Consider the Impact on Hiring If You Had the PERFECT Job Aptitude Assessment – APQ Is Almost There

Most sales managers lack truly effective ways of objectively measuring the potential of candidates, relying instead on their gut feelings when hiring. The cost of investing in the wrong person who ends up failing should make you want to ensure you make the right call the first time — and that takes data you cannot get from a resume or personal interview.

The Advanced Personality Questionnaire, also known as the APQ, is a tool used by hiring professionals to determine which persons will make for the best additions to a sales force. By using a rigorously tested battery of questions, the APQ determines the personality traits of the subject and this information can help better place them in an appropriate role within a company. It may sound too good to be true, but in this case, the outcomes speak for themselves.

Determining aptitude

Research has shown that while factors like motivation, skill, product knowledge and the like can be improved upon; one factor could not be. That factor, which comprises about 50% of a salesperson’s selling success, is aptitude. This isn’t to say that the art and process of selling is impossible to teach, because it certainly isn’t. It does suggest, however, that particular personalities will possess traits and tendencies that naturally lend themselves toward selling without any exterior manipulation and others will not. The APQ testing can be used to determine whose personality has natural sales aptitude and greatly increase your odds of selecting that superstar salesperson.

Building a profile

Once the answers to the questions presented in the APQ are compiled and analyzed, they are used to build a personality profile. Based on nine separate personality traits, (Optimism, assertiveness, need for recognition and the like.) those traits are assigned a percentile score from 0 to 100 dependent on the subject’s answers. Those results are then matched up with the personality traits ideal for certain positions within a company. When the subject’s results are compared, the traits will fall within 1 of 3 ranges: high, moderate and low compatibility. This determines who would be best suited, from a personality standpoint, for any given job.

The right decision

Numerous correlation studies, as well as personal experience from administering the tests to thousands of individuals ourselves, show increases in sales volume of up to 50% for those who earn high compatibility scores for their jobs. The APQ testing will give you the confidence to put the right people in the “right seats on the bus” the first time and give them the best chance to succeed.

The APQ gathers and compiles invaluable, objective data that can have a real and profound impact on your hiring ability. It has been tested and the numbers indicate success. We would love to show you more, and provide a free demo showing you how to interpret the reports to help grow your team into a selling machine!  Just give us a call at 866-833-9939 and we can set up an appointment with one of our APQ specialists.

For more information, check out our brief video introducing the APQ testing:


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