Sales Aptitude Test for Coaching

This might be surprising to some, sales managers are not mind readers! However, sales aptitude tests, like the APQ, can bring them quite close to this status.
The results of testing for sales aptitude provide sales managers with insight into the personality of each of their team members. Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of the people they are coaching shouldn’t be a luxury, it is a crucial step in being an effective manager.
Know Your Team
First things first, a manager must know who they are managing. They must know the personalities of the people on their team. With all new jobs, there is a learning curve, and there is no exception when it comes to managerial positions. This is especially true when a sales manager is put in charge of a new group of salespeople. In order to be successful, they must learn about the people they will be managing, and this can often be a time-consuming process. Testing for sales aptitude shortens the timeline of managers getting to know their team members, and it provides bias-free, objective results. The personalities of individual salespeople must be discovered in an accurate and detailed way, and the APQ will do just that.
This is where the mind-reader-like-ability comes into play. An accurate sales aptitude test shows a manager how their team members are going to operate. It will explain where their natural abilities and faults lie, which is extremely valuable information. If a manager is initially aware of an employee’s weaknesses, they will be able to coach them through the process from the start. They can also be sure to put their employees in a position to showcase their strengths.
The Downfall of Standardized Coaching Methods
In contrast to the personalized coaching strategies that would follow a salesperson’s personality and unique sales aptitude, some sales managers might use standardized methods of coaching. They might coach by using the same messages and techniques for all of their sales staff. In doing so, they are not catering to the needs of each individual and they could be overlooking important areas for improvement. Everyone is different, and it’s the job of a sales manager to intertwine those differences into their coaching plans. They must be able to tailor advice around the qualities and skills that each individual possesses. The coaching strategy should be unique to the employee.
Sales Aptitude Tests are a Manager’s Best Friend
The most effective sales managers are able to coach their team by sharing results and making each person aware of how to use their strengths well and how to work through their weaknesses. This can be very empowering to individual salespeople. It can also help them feel personally understood and valued by their manager, which improves their desire to perform well. Ultimately, sales aptitude tests help managers produce top salespeople. It’s a win-win situation.
Benefits of using Sales Aptitude Testing
In summary, here’s how managers will benefit from using sales aptitude testing with their sales team:
- Save Time Learning About their Team
- Accurately Understand their Team Members
- Produce Top Salespeople
- Improved Manager-Salesperson Relationships