Why Corporate Sales Training in Washington DC is Different

While the basics of sales are universal, the more you can tailor a corporate sales training curriculum to match the local business environment, the better.

The nation’s capital has some unique characteristics which make corporate sales training in Washington more valuable when delivered by those who know “the scene.”

Let’s examine a few of these factors.

They speak a different language here

I know many of you are used to corporate-speak and lingo specific to your industries, Washington DC takes this to a whole new level. Corporate sales training in Washington which neglects the vocabulary needed to do business here, is doing students a major disservice.

“ID/IQ contract”, “task orders”, “operating theater,” “contract vehicles,” “JCIDS,” “DOTMLPF,” “warfighting.” Chances are you will be doing business with the Department of Defense and ancillaries, and if you don’t know what these aforementioned terms and DOZENS of others mean, there is no way you can make any sense of what is going on. This equals very poor chances of making any sales whatsoever.

Make sure your corporate sales training in Washington provides, at the very least, a glossary of the most important terms used in selling to the government.

One sale can keep you in the black for years to come

If you win the bid for a lucrative government services contract, you can earn a sizable amount of revenue for years to come – in some cases enough to cover all of your operating costs and provide a sizable, predictable profit to boot. This is much harder to achieve with private contracts.

Because of the high reward factor, the competition to win one of these contracts can be vicious. Sales training in Washington should arm you with the tools you need to distinguish yourself from competitors and bid competitively.

We show you how to navigate red tape

Speaking of bids, the amount of red tape that you must navigate can make preparing bids and selling to the government appear to be more trouble than it is worth. Let me assure you that it is well worth it, and you should learn how to best deal with all the red tape and find ways around it where possible.

Only sales training firms with experience preparing bids and winning government business themselves in Washington can provide an authentic viewpoint on the matter. Choose a corporate sales training program in Washington with a verifiable track record in this regard.

I have done business in DC for more than thirty years, and have captained two nuclear submarines for the US Navy. Other members of my team also have military defense procurement and government contractor experience. As such, we can offer one-of-a-kind insights into how to “win the business” in this city. If you are ready to explore our services, please take a moment to fill out our contact form and we will respond shortly.


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